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Literacy past, present and future

on April 9, 2013

As I was perusing articles about technology integration I came across this great article going over the decades of media literacy and how it has evolved. Media has evolved and students and teachers have a vast majority of mediums in which to select. It is interesting to see how new technology was or wasn’t embraced over the years and what the author feels will be the next steps in encouraging increased usage of these available sources. Their thoughts are we have to understand the past to be able to better see how we will progress in the future. All those schools who are not embracing it fully now will soon more than likely be finding themselves at the bottom of the pile looking up.

4 responses to “Literacy past, present and future

  1. kbovre says:

    A very worthwhile read. It makes us assess where our schools are at in comparison to what is uncovered in this article.

  2. This article is a gem. I especially appreciated the observations on how merely using the tools is often mistaken for literacy, which encompasses so much more:

    “To be truly literate means being able to use the dominant symbol systems of the culture for personal, aesthetic, cultural, social, and political goals—and as a result, respect for personal autonomy becomes paramount within a pluralistic understanding of media literacy education (Masterman 1985).”

  3. A link to the Core Principles of Media Literacy Education (mentioned in the article):

    Click to access NAMLE-CPMLE-w-questions2.pdf

  4. Pam says:

    I found this quote from your article very interesting and not what I thought at all…”Sadly, neither creation nor sharing is randomly distributed among a diverse group of young adults, since creative activity is related to similar factors as it was in previous times: a person’s socioeconomic status…Students who have at least one parent with a graduate degree are significantly more likely to create content, either online or offline, than others. “While it may be that digital media are leveling the playing field when it comes to exposure to content, engaging in creative pursuits remains unequally distributed by social background” (Hargittai and Walejko 2009, 256).” That surprises me.

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